El libro del arte (The book of art)

Title: El libro del arte
Editorial: AKAL
Author: Aarious Authors
Number of pages: 352.
Size: 19,5 x 23cm.


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What makes something a work of art? How did the ancient Greeks shape ideal beauty? Does color have a direct influence on the soul? This book examines these and many other questions by reviewing key artistic movements, styles, and themes through more than 200 works in many different genres. With clear language, El libro del arte decodes the terminology of art history and theory and offers images of the world’s great works and ingenious diagrams that explain the underlying ideas. From prehistoric fertility figurines to video installations, this is the perfect handbook to get started in the knowledge of art. Both the art student and the avid visitor to museums and galleries will find in this book suggestive ideas about artistic treasures from all periods and backgrounds.

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