Post-Arcadia. Qué arte para qué naturaleza (Post-Arcadia. What art for what nature)
Title: Post-Arcadia. Qué arte para qué naturaleza (Post-Arcadia. What art for what nature)
Editorial: Cendeac.
Authors: Miguel Mesa del Castillo and Enrique Nieto (eds.)
Year: 2020.
Format: 455 p.
ISBN: 9788415556763.
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The texts included in this volume have their origin in the VII and VIII Course of Introduction to Contemporary Art sponsored by the Center for Documentation and Advanced Studies of Contemporary Art of Murcia (CENDEAC) in 2017 and 2018. With the title Post-Arcadia. Qué arte para qué naturaleza, the different participators had to reflect on the relations between art, architecture and nature in a context like the present one, marked by the irruption of Gaia. In this time in which Nature claims its political condition and our civilization faces challenges unknown until now, art and architecture can be places of experimentation and testing of alternatives to rethink and recompose other possible worlds.