Nuevos Formatos Nuevos Imaginarios (New Formats New Imaginaries)
Title: Nuevos Formatos Nuevos Imaginarios (New Formats New Imaginaries)
Editorial: Bartlebooth
Authors: Eyal Weizman, Elii, Helen Hester, Christina Agapakis (Ginkgo Bioworks) + Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg + Sissel Tolaas, Lluís J. Liñán, Davide Tommaso Ferrando, Peio Aguirre + Andrés Carretero, Hito Steyerl,
Ryan Scavincky, Elena Castro Córdoba + Laura Tabarés.
Number of pages: 200.
Size: 148 x 210 mm.
Offset printing in 2 inks.
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A publication that orbits around how the new processes, formats and contexts of knowledge production raise new questions that have to be addressed from critical spatial practices. Situated in a world between the physical and the digital, they call for new aesthetics and new imaginaries.