Intempèries / Hinterlands – Aleix Plademunt

Title: Intempèries/Hinterlands
Publisher: Ca l’Isidret.
Author: Aleix Plademunt.
Published in Barcelona.
Year of publication: 2021.
Size: 24,0×13,0.
Pages: 32.


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Intemperies / Hinterlands is an adaptation of the exhibition “À propos du temps” by Aleix Plademunt at the Galerie Olivier Waltman, Paris, from 7 to 30 January 2021.

The published text is a fragment of a conversation between Aleix Plademunt, Antonio M. Xoubanova, Carlos Marques-Marcet and Borja Bagunyà, after a three-hour reading of Matter, at the Bloom School, Barcelona, on 18 September 2020

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