Al-Tiba9 - Magazine ISSUE07
Títle: Al-Tiba9 – Magazine ISSUE04.
Publisher: Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Art.
City of edition London.
Year of edition: 2020.
Pages: 116
Format: 21 x 28 x 1cm.
ISBN: 2604-630X.
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The ISSUE07 features international artists who embody in their work a spirit of inspiring forward-thinking. These artists enjoy the full reach of Al-Tiba9’s extensive network of galleries, museums, art dealers, collectors, art professionals, art lovers, and academics all over the world.
Aurélie Sorriaux, Sara Hupas, Sylvain Souklaye, Ronojoy Sinha Dutta, Chris Calvet, Teresa Letizia Bontà, Silvia Bertocchi, Eriko Kaniwa of Sensegraphia Fine Art, Pei Wu, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Karen Ghostlaw, Jiang Feng, MYK Art Group, Qianwen Yu, Maxime Jean Lefebvre, Van Lanigh, Islam Allam, Vian Borchert, Caro Dranow, Niko Kapa, Federico Alcaro, Danny DeGennaro, Cate Wind, Anne Wölk, Doug Winter, Teo San José, Victoria Adkozalova, Qeas Pirzad.