Sóc totes les que he sigut

Title: Sóc totes les que he sigut
Publisher: MACBA
Authors: Tamara Díaz, Maite Garbayo-Maeztu, Teresa Grandas and Valentín Roma
Edition: 2020
Size: 17,2 x 23,5 cm
184 pages
Design: Lali Almonacid


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Sóc totes les que he sigut exposes several essential aspects of Fina Miralles’ work: the relationship between nature and artifice, the language with which we express ourselves and the power relations in our daily lives. “Being an artist is not a vocation, nor a devotion or a profession; you don’t know it, but everything pushes you and leads you to be who you are.” With this phrase Fina Miralles synthesizes her life.

The book includes texts by Tamara Díaz Bringas, Maite Garbayo-Maeztu, Teresa Grandas and Valentín Roma, and a wide selection of her work.

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