Seqüències 2006-2009 – Joaquim Chancho

Title: Seqüències 2006-2009 – Joaquim Chancho.
Publisher: Fundació Vila Casas.
Year of edition: 2010.
Artist: Joaquim Chancho.
Author: Glòria Bosch Mir.
Pages: 106.
Dimensions: 16 cm x 16 cm.
Format: Soft cover.


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Chancho’s exhibition at the Vila Casas Foundation Espai Volart 2 is compiled in this catalog. Chancho’s painting creates a dialogue between linear gestures and signwriting and calligraphy. Action and rhythm emerge from the elemental value of vertical and horizontal lines, as a constant search for the parallel path that painting draws on the canvas. His pictograms resemble great networks where the viewer perceives a certain disquieting arrangement, needing their gaze to discern the elemental order of things.

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