Jordi Socías. Retratos

Title: Jordi Socías
Authors: Elsa Fernández and Santos López
Publisher: La Bahía
Sizes: 23,5 x 17,5 cm
87 pages
ISBN: 9788412020366


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The Barcelona photographer Jordi Socías (1945) has turned the portrait of great personalities into one of his hallmarks. Since the 1970s, Socías has built his own language from the faces of others. His ability to decipher the souls of artists, actors, writers, musicians and his own composes a choral portrait of recent Spain through its best talents. Portraits for an indirect self-portrait of a direct witness of some of the great personalities of this time.

This catalogue brings together an anthology of the portraits that Jordi Socías took of personalities from Spanish cinema, literature, painting, music, show business, politics and society from 1976-2016, photographic portraits that today form part of the works that make up the art collection of the Lafuente Archive, and which were on display at the exhibition “Jordi Socías. Portraits”, which took place in 2020 at the Centro de la Imagen in Santander.

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