
Title: Colita
Authors: Colita
Publisher: RM
Size: 19 x 27 cm
Nº of pages: 184
Format: Hardcover
Date of publication: 2014
ISBN: 978-84-15118-78-7


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“Colita” is the pseudonym of Isabel Steva (b. 1940 in Barcelona), one of the leading exponents of contemporary Catalan photography. Direct, intelligent, sensitive, committed, critical, unprejudiced, her work can be defined, apart from its aesthetic qualities, by its involvement with the times in which the photographer has lived.

This book offers a comprehensive image of her work and throws into relief its versatility, humor, and incisiveness: ranging from the world of flamenco to the photography of feminist
struggles, and including the interplay of dualities, cinema, Nova Cançó, the gauche divine of the 1960s, portraiture, photojournalism, and the life of her own city, Barcelona.

Photos: ©Archivo Colita Fotografía.

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