Paralax – La fotografía de Michael Dunev
Title: Paralax – La fotografía de Michael Dunev.
Published by Ediciones Polígrafa, SA (Barcelona).
First edition of 1000 copies in July 2015.
ISBN 978-84-343-1326-2.
Bilingual edition in English and Spanish.
Cloth binding, hardback with dust jacket.
28 x 28 cms.
208 pages.
102 images in tri-tone.
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Monograph presented in four sections: Waypoints, Liquid, Passages, and Nightmoves offering a photographic view of places where the author has lived or spent long and repeated stays that trace his personal development in the field of photography since 1970.
Photographs and texts by Michael Dunev.
Additional texts by Michael Kenna, British photographer living in the USA; Robert Flynn Johnson, Curator Emeritus of the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco and author of numerous books on anonymous photography, including Anonymous and The Face in the Lens; Stuart Denenberg, art dealer, curator and writer with a gallery in Los Angeles, California represents the legacy of Kahlil Gibran, the Lebanese-American author of The Prophet.