Al-Tiba9 – Magazine ISSUE12

ISSN: 2696-2497
Type: Limited Edition Magazine
Pages: 116
Size: H 28cm x W 21 cm x L 1cm
Language: English
Edition: January 2023
© Front and Back Cover: Hanwei Su


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This limited edition printed art magazine is curated and designed to celebrate the 12th issue of the Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Art. With innovative visions, testimonies, and a rich list of artworks of international artists, it marks a fundamental milestone in Al-Tiba9’s history.

ISSUE12 features 58 selected artists, architects, and fashion designers from around the world. It is a unique space where individual artists and designers can express their vision and become the original media.
The magazine features on its Front and Back Cover the work “Wild Growth” by Hanwei Su from New York (USA), while the photographic work “Pink Lily“ by the artist William Josephs Radford from London (UK) is on the Inner Cover and “Balmain Rebranding” by Stephanie Vicente is on the Highlight Cover.

The featured artists in this edition are: Aiman, Alejandra Trevino, Aleš Jungmann, Ameera Kasim Ziyan, Andi Zhang, Andrea Abbatangelo, Anna Grahlmann, Artem Spivak, Ashleigh Alexandria – The Virgin Artiste, Audrey Messas, Avvassena, Brage Sørlie Kaale, brustudio, David Moješčík, Dodd Holsapple, Ellen De, Fredy Solan, Gabrielle Mar, Gianluca Lattuada, Guadalupe Plaza Petersen, Hanwei Su, Imogen Marsteller, Irina Sokolova, Isabella Draper, Iwo Zaniewski, Jung Ui Lee, Katrin Spranger, Kexin Liu, Kmar Douagi, Kristine Narvida, Lăcră Grozăvescu, Lauren Butcher, Maria Büter, Mariana Arrieta Ibarra, Marina Martín Gómez, Mauricio Delgado Castillo, Meghan Murphy, Nouli Omer, Paulo Monteiro, Proteek Mandal, Rémi Moreau, Richard Glick, Rui Ferreira, Ruohan Yu, Sam Solooki, Sarah-Mecca Abdourahman, Shou-An Chiang, Shulan Wang, Stephanie Vicente, Tanya P. Johnson, Tsim Liv, Wenxu Zhao, William Josephs Radford, Xuanlin Ye, Xuemeng Zhang, Yanqing Pei, Yihan Wang, Zijun Zhao (Mosa)

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