Les transformacions
Title: Els Elements
Author: Cesc Pujol
Publisher: Lapislàtzuli
Design: Helena Tarrés
Format: 24 x 22 cm
Nº pages: 82
ISBN: 978-84-949751-0-3
Book with illustrations.
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Water, earth, air and fire are the main elements of our existence. Their strength, which is the strength of nature, will later bring many other things, such as blood, wood, iron… elements always subject to the eternal warmth of love and discord, and always under the luminous influence of the stars that are far away, from the support of the sky.
All this and more is what this book is about, because everything becomes artistic matter when it enters through the eyes of Cesc Pujol. His hand is close to the essence of things and, with a masterful stroke, he draws inside the world.