Portes obscures – Marina Nuñez

Title: Portes obscures.
Publisher: La Panera.
Author: Marina Nuñez.
Year of publication: 2008.
ISBN: 9788496855113.
Language: Catalan/Spanish.


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Cataloge from the the exhibition Sala Art La Panera (Lleida).
According to Marina Núñez, “the works and installations collected in Portes obscures are haunted by a sense of dread: the characters are trapped in them, they fall, flee, change, die…, according to uncertain narratives, in strange situations and unlikely contexts, amongst shadows and ghostly lights. At times, the plots unfold in landscape scenarios, which retain certain iconographic aspects related to the myth of a natural utopia, although a second look is enough to perceive them as artificial settings -theatricalised- in which tragedy unfolds. The characters, also idealised to a certain extent by their beauty, are clearly eccentric -madwomen, corpses, monsters. They share a certain inconsistency -physical, psychological- that endows them with a dreamlike quality, since, as in dreams, the desire for order and conclusion is frustrated”.

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