Maillol Horvat

Title: Maillol Horvat.
Published by: Fundació Vila Casas.
Year of publication: 2019.
Artists featured: Aristides Maillol and Frank Horvat.
Texts: Àlex Susanna Nadal.
Pages: 99.
Dimensions: 16 cm x 16 cm.
Cover: Paperback.


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This catalogue includes images of the works which compose the exhibition “MAILLOL HORVAT” by the artists Maillol and Horvat, held at the Espais Volart of Barcelona in 2019. It also includes texts written by leading figures in the field of contemporary art. Thus, this is a contemporary art catalogue which recalls the aforementioned exhibition and allows for it to be enjoyed again at home.

“MAILLOL HORVAT” is an exhibition proposal, curated by Àlex Susanna, which includes two exhibitions in one. On the one hand, the show presents the terracotta world of sculptor, painter and engraver Aristides Maillol (Banyuls de la Marenda, 1861-1944), a true laboratory of forms where he develops his imaginary, from his first works in 1899 to his later ones in 1937. On the other hand, the exhibition presents the photographs which Frank Horvat (Abbazia, 1928) took of Maillol’s terracottas and which invite us to perform a circular reading of each one of them, with the aim of making us walk around each piece and reach the conclusion that there can never be a single, definite angle to look at things.

The exhibition gathers a total of 18 small terracottas and 59 photographs of 80 x 120 cm, which constitute a rather unconventional exhibition, not only due to their two-fold authorship, but also because it is equally indebted to the works of the sculptor as well as to those of the photographer; we can say that one acts as a point of departure, while the other becomes an end, and nonetheless they both constitute the exhibition as a whole.

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