Guillotina – Lluís Hortalá (Guillotine – Lluís Hortalá)

Title: Guillotina (Guillotine)
Artist: Lluís Hortalá.
Direction and coordination: Centre d’Art Tecla Sala (Ajuntament de L’Hospitalet).
With the support of: RocioSantaCruz and F2.
Pages: 44.
Size: 35 x 28 cm.
Texts: Núria Marín i Martínez, Lluís Hortalà and Oriol Fontdevila.
Photography: Bjorn Badetti.
Graphic design: Mucho.
Translations and linguistic correction: Bernat Pujadas (Catalan and Spanish), Deborah Bonner (English).
ISBN: 978-84-947382-6-5.


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This book was published on the occasion of the exhibition ”Lluís Hortalà. Guillotina” at the Tecla Sala Art Center from May 9 to July 21, 2019.

The exhibition “Guillotina” of Lluís Hortalà is a reflection on art and power relations. With an apparently frivolous approach and painstakingly detailed execution based on the long-standing tradition of decorative painting, the artist succeeds in making us believe that we are facing, among other works, two very different fire-place mantels – one belonging to Marie Antoniette and the other to Madame du Barry – and the baseboards of the Musée du Louvre in Paris and the National Gallery in London. Hortalà’s captivating trompe-l’oeil invites us to reflect and debate.

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