La ilusión documental

Title: La ilusión documental.
Publisher: Ca l’Isidret.
Author: Takuma Nakahira.
Translation from Spanish: Jordi Mas López.
Foreword: Dani S. Álvarez.
Pages: 144.
Size: 12,0 x 21,0 cm.
Offset printed.
Design: Kentaro Terajima.
Printed in Barcelona.
Published: April 2018.
ISBN 978-84-941484-9-1.


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Takuma Nakahira (1938-2015), Japanese critic, essayist and photographer, is one of the leading figures of the avant-garde movements of the 1960s and 1970s, the author of mythical works such as Kitarubeki kotoba no tame ni (For a Language to Come, 1970). Even so, Nakahira remains an enigmatic figure in the world of photography: his work is that of an iconoclast bent on questioning all preconceived ideas about the image, of a thought-provoker who constantly poses questions in order to shake the foundations of what we took for granted, of a critic and political activist who approaches photography in search of new tools with which to assemble his critical apparatus. Thus, in Nakahira’s work, critical practice is inseparable from photographic practice […].

Foreword (fragment) by Dani S. Álvarez

Ca l’Isidret translates for the first time in a double edition in Catalan and Spanish a selection of 9 essays by Takuma Nakahira.

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