Hominini – Lucas Lenci

Title: Hominini.
Publisher: Editora Madalena.
Author: Lucas Lenci.
City of publication: São Paulo.
Year of publication: 2015.
Format: 17.5×23.4×0.5.
ISBN: 9788569557012.


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Série Pequenos Formatos 2015/With the work of four great names – Claudia Jaguaribe (Cactoceae), Lucas Lenci (Hominini), Christian Rodriguez (Motobaik) and Pio Figueiroa (Cartas a Larraín, Valaparaíso) Editora Madalena releases the series Pequenos Formatos. The idea is to promote collectionism with 16-page leaflets and 14 loose slides, which can be framed, presented or used in other ways. The initial print run of each title in the series is 200 copies. All the books propose a characteristic theme. Hominini revolves around street photography. Cactoceae provides a vision of the cacti that invade the urban landscape, in reference to the prophecy of Antonio Conselheiro, (“The interior will become the sea, and the sea will become the interior.”). Motobaik portrays the Vietnamese woman and the main local means of transport: motorbikes. It draws attention to the way they cover their body, head and hands. Letters to Larraín, Valaparaíso, by Pio Figueiroa, are images that the author made during his visit to Valparaíso, Chile. Figueiroa filmed the city, taking a second and its twenty-four frames from that film. One over the other, they provide each image of this series. The sensations that the visit aroused in the city led the author to write a letter to the great Chilean photographer Sergio Larraín, where he narrates his impressions and feelings.

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