El libro de arena
Title: El libro de arena
Author: María Primo
Publisher: Autoedición
Edition: 2020
Size: 22 x 29 cmm
Binding: Flexicover
ISBN: 978-84-09-18823-9
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El libro de arena tells the story of the great mobile dune of Valdevaqueros as a metaphor of the absurd human determination to dominate nature, while remaining separated from it. It presents a multifaceted approach that explores the social, environmental and political history that led to the formation of the dune, relating it to philosophical questions. It is a local story that takes place in Punta Paloma (Tarifa, Cadiz) – a paradisiacal enclave in the Strait of Gibraltar, just 14km from Africa – where the dune originates as a result of the military intervention in 1939 at the end of the Spanish Civil War. This operation radically changed the physiognomy of the area, generating environmental and social consequences that have yet to be resolved.