Desvelo y traza – Sara Ramo

Title: Desvelo y traza.
Publisher: La Panera.
Artist: Sara Ramo.
Year of edition: 2015.
Binding: Paperback.


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La Panera Art Centre hosts the exhibition Desvelo Traza by Sara Ramo, curated by Manuela Villa and co-produced with Matadero Madrid.
In this piece, Sara Ramo wants spectators to discover, with the minimum possible light, the forms that are presented to them. Without any kind of indication, it will be visitors themselves who will trace the lines that resolve the content of the space in the dark.
Based on an earlier work entitled “Penumbra”, from 2012, produced in Rio de Janeiro for the Fundação Eva Klabin, and with the influence of authors such as Helio Oiticica or Lygia Clark, Sara Ramo proposes a sensory work based on the experience and construction of images, rooted in each person‘s imagination. It constitutes an exercise of confrontation with silence and darknesstaking wakefulness as a stage that precedes sleep, which keeps us vigilant and attentive, but at the same time immersed in a feeling that lies somewhere between reality and fiction. Through the organization and arrangement of discarded objects from exhibitions and activities held at La Panera, and as if they were sculptures hidden in the gloom, Sara Ramo plays with the public‘s perception of space and proposes that they extract from their personal imagination, and by means of analogy, the images that they can conjure up. Thus, through this exhibition proposal, it will be the spectator who will draw the line between that which can be seen and that which cannot.
Subtly, shapes will emerge from the shadows. In the face of a reality in which one is used to immediacy and to the relentless succession of images, the artist proposes an exercise of patienceexpectation, and discovery. This scopic impulse will make the spectator want to resolve what is in the darkness, and investigate their own imagination to render it visible.
From 25 October 2014 to 18 January 2015 at La Panera Art Centre. Desvelo Traza has been co-produced with Matadero Madrid, where it could be seen between 25 May and 31 August 2014.

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