Atlas Menor #01. Disidencia sexual, desde la vulnerabilidad y la resistencia

Title: Atlas Menor #01. Disidencia sexual, desde la vulnerabilidad y la resistencia
Authors: Kyle Lasky, nucbeade, Lucas Larochelle
Publisher: Bartlebooth
Edition: 2020
Design and edition: Antonio Giráldez López, Pablo Ibáñez Ferrera
Translation: Akshid Rajendran
ISBN: 9789213580202


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Looking at cartography from the perspective of sexual dissidence enables a process of resignification that speaks in other terms, deals with other territories and breaks with the hegemonic ideals of cartography. This axis runs through the work of the three participating authors, in order to find a potential to question, remove and imagine other possible experiences. This means accounting for the subjective and activating tools that denote a political will. Dealing with other kinds of experiences that move away from the norm requires other ways of doing things that enable new imaginaries but do not forget the power relations and inequalities that inscribe them. In short, they show that we can make cartographies on our own terms.

The work of Kyle Lasky (Lesbian Bedrooms II), nucbeade (Lesboanimitas) and Lucas Larochelle ( form this first cartographic approach accompanied by a text by Yera Moreno. They are maps that are constructed with a mortar of collective memory, personal experiences, intertwined desires and fictionalised stories. They refer to the different ways of living and inhabiting space through testimonies, photographs and other records that tell stories; stories that speak from memory, intimacy and fiction, from places of resistance and vulnerability.

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