8 postcards – Peter Downsbrough

Title: 8 postcards collection”Peter Downsbrough. The Then Set Here Place as And”.
Publisher: Fundació Mies van der Rohe.
Author: Peter Dowsbrough.
City of publication: Barcelona.
Year of publication: 2016.
Size: 15 x 10,5 x 0,5.
Graphic 300 gr cardboard one face. Extra Bright.
Cardboard case.


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Set of 8 colour postcards (300 gr. Extra glossy graphic cardboard) and graphic cardboard sleeve, of the Intervention by Peter Downsbrough conceived specifically for the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion, where the seven words «AND / AS, HERE, PLACE, SET, THE, THEN »discreetly inserted into the pavilion -verbs, adverbs, and prepositions- and that interact in a subtle way with the constructive logic and spatial freedom of the pavilion.

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