Rage, home and Insults – Clàudia Pagés

Title: Home, Rage and Insults.
Publisher: Bòlit.
Author: Clàudia Pagés.
Year of publication: 2020.
Pages: 80.


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This publication narrates in a colloquial, and sometimes biographical way, forms and uses of language and word as a way of doing harm or insults in everyday life; the cracks in communication and the temporality in the use of language and the object. A way to describe communication processes – linguistic and non-linguistic -, to investigate the structures and systems of speech circulation, and to review the cracks in communication.
Clàudia Pagés is one of the artists in the exhibition “The world will be Tlön”, curated by Jordi Antas (21 February to 23 August 2020 at Bòlit, Contemporary Art Center. Girona).

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