Això que sona és nostre – Carles Congost

Title: Això que sona és nostre.
Publisher: Bòlit.
Author: Carles Congost.
Year of publication: 2017.


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The Congosound is the brand used by the artist Carles Congost to refer to his facet as a music producer. From the mid-1990s until now, The Congosound has gone through different stages and circumstances, hosting a large group of collaborators, among which we should highlight the musician and cultural manager Vicent Fibla and the singer Jessie Park.
The Congosound has released the albums Jessie’s Theme, 1998 (Cosmos Records), Jackson, 2002 (Cosmos Records), Say I’m Your Number One/Superpitcher vs The Congosound, 2008 (Kompakt), Pepsi Love (feat. Ryan Paris), 2014 (Maletas Violentas) and Això Que Sona És Nostre/ Josep Xortó + The Congosound, 2017 (Maletas Violentas).
Co-published by Bòlit and Centre d’Art La Panera de Lleida.

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