La fiesta, lo raro y el espacio público (The party, the weird and the public space)
Title: La fiesta, lo raro y el espacio público (The party, the weird and the public space)
Editorial: Bartlebooth
Authors: Imagina Madrid, Fran Quiroga, Rafael SM Paniagua, Putochinomaricón, Fran Brives, Viruta, Pasajes de Cine, Improvistos, Natalia Matesanz y VenidaDevenida, Ramón Grosfoguel, Miguel Pérez Sánchez, Iago Carro (Ergosfera), Nuria Cubas, Gabriel Doménech, Ramón Buey y Lucrecia Masson. Fotografías de Laura C. Vela.
Number of pages: 194
Papers: Papago 80 grs, Munken Lynx 130 grs, Papago 270 grs
Fonts used: GT Sectra de Grilli Type (Switzerland) and Formula Condensed de Pangram Pangram Foundry (Canada).
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This publication is a device of the project Rare Festivals, a contribution with which to open new leaks around the rare, the party and the public space. They are voices and reflections on the power of thinking the space from the non-normative, or the strange as a form of tension of the canonical and the party as a device from which to weave alliances.
This publication is a verbena of texts, there is not a linearity but a set of fugues and parallel readings that meet and unmeet, that weave crossings and transits between the party, the non-normative and the public space.