Último Sur

Title: Último Sur
Author: Rodrigo Gómez Rovira
Publisher: Éditions Xavier Barral
Medidas: 20,5 x 27,5 cm
Nº pages: 144
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: 2019
ISBN : 978-23-65112-09-3


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Último Sur takes the reader on a journey to the end of the world, combining the photographs of Rodrigo Gómez Rovira with those of his grandfather, who moved to Tierra del Fuego in 1938 after Chile’s great agrarian reform. Nearly forty years later, the next generation fled to France to escape the dictatorship. In the mid-1990s, Rodrigo Gómez Rovira decided to return to Chile in search of his roots and family history.

Último Sur is a hybrid book that brings together a family album created by his grandfather and photographs by the author himself of the vast region of Tierra del Fuego, a magnificent and isolated land that lets the imagination run wild. It reveals a harsh agricultural world where farmers led difficult lives. Portraits that testify to a forgotten time slide between scenes of everyday life and the imposing wild landscapes between the mountains and the sea.


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