Syrma – David Inclán

Title: Syrma.
Publisher: Ediciones Posibles.
First edition: 150 numbered copies.
Photographs: David Inclán.
Art direction: Inés Casals.
Size 21 x 13 cm.
Hardcover canvas with stamping.
96 pages.
48 color photographs.
Year of edition 2020.


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Syrma is a star in the constellation of Virgo located 69.8 light-years from the Solar System. David Inclán, captivated by the idea that, when we look at the sky, we see the light which the stars radiated millions of years ago, sets out to navigate through the magical relationship between space and time.

To do so, he invites us on a journey towards this far-away star, which slowly turns into an introspective journey into the core themes which traverse his work: the passage of time, the cycles of lifeemptiness, lost childhood and spirituality.


 Winner of the VII AFTM Scholarship (Amics de la Fotografia Torroella de Montgrí).


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