Ma vie vas changer

Title: Ma vie vas changer
Authors: Patrícia Almeida & David-Alexandre Guéniot
Publisher: Ghost Editions
Nº pages: 192
Size: 12 x 16 cm
Edition: 2020
City of edition: Lisboa
Design: Marco Balesteros
ISBN: 978-989-54422-1-8


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“For three years (2011-13), we have collected press clippings. The ‘Arab Spring’ at its peak; the arrival of the Troika (IMF, ECB, EU) in Greece, Portugal and Ireland; the earthquake and nuclear disaster in Japan; and a bit everywhere in Europe and the USA, citizen movements against austerity policies in favour of the bailout of the financial system. Far from these world events, yet affected by them, a family, ours, a photo album. Gustavo is 5, 6, 7 years old. He learns to read and write. His friend Gaspar is 9, 10, 11. His body changes from child to small adult. The disease comes back, goes away and comes back anew, always in the summer, but surrounded by friends. ‘Banks are like cancer’ says a placard brandished during an “Occupy” protest movement in New York. A brutal metaphor spreading in someone’s body. This book is a facsimile of a photo album dedicated to our son and his friend, meant to be opened in 2030.”

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