Johanna Calle. Photo Graphias

Title: Johanna Calle. Photo Graphias.
Publishing company: Editorial RM.
Author: Johanna Calle.
Format: Hardcover.
Pages: 528.
Size: 21 x 30 cm.
Language: ENG/ESP/FRA.
ISBN: 978-84-17975-31-9.
Year of publication: 2020.


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Parting from old photographs, collected with the care given by an ethnographer, Johanna Calle makes what she calls “photographic drawings.” To the tiny, fast gesture that triggered the shotshe adds her own: little by little she erases the elements present in the original image in order to gently raise the signs of an underground story: a landscape allows a musical score to arise. A face gives place to a polyhedron, a series of aerial photographs show how the silhouette of the trees of the primary forest ascends.

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