Collectors’ Art Book – Interviews With Artists Vol. 2

Publisher: Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Art
ISSN: 2696-9238
Legal Deposit Number: B 27548-2018
Type: Hardcover Book
Pages: 174
Size: H 27cm x W 21 cm x L 2 cm 
Edition: February 2023
Volume: 02
© Front & Back Cover. Milena ZeVu


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The Collectors’ Art Book “Interviews With Artists” is a luxury limited edition of 500 hand-numbered copies featuring the best international artists, and it is designed with the most advanced curatorial and editorial skills. This collectible contemporary art book aims to create a visual dialogue between artists and international art collectors, offering them the possibility of an artistic, visual, and emotional exchange.
The artists featured in this publication are: Ali Fawad, Allan Linder, Anita Tiwary, Asmae Mouayn, Ayuna, Bo Zhang, Brett Ashby, Celine Chan, Chao Wang, Christine Comeau, Claire-louise Pitman, Daria Lou Nakov, Diego Esquivel, Elaine Chao, Ester Crocetta, Fernando Madera Alvarado, Gianluca Lattuada, Gulbin Ozdamar Akarcay, Gulsah Ayla Bayrak, Hao Wen (Claudia) Chung, Jiaming Zhang, Joss Liao, Kelly Borgers OSA SCA, Kelly Zhong, Kim Matthews, Kohlben Vodden, Koo J, Kwong Kwok Wai, Liu Gongjie, Man Zhu, Marcello Silvestre, Marco Lando, Marija Toskovic, Maya Smira, Michael Kwong, Mike Goldberg, Milena Deparis, Milena ZeVu, Monika Katterwe, Nora Papp, Pavlina Vagioni, Rebecca Yunjeong Lee, Rena Kubota, Rocio G Montiel, Rūta Matulevičiūtė, Shan Xu, Shuqi You, Shurooq Amin, Sophie Ruoyu Zhang, Sümer Sayın, Suyu Chen, YaXi Zhou, Yu-Ching Wang, Yunah Seo

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