Al-Tiba9 Collectors' Book Vol.01


ISSN: 2696-9238
Legal Deposit Number: B 27548-2018
Type: Hardcover Book
Pages: 188
Size: height 27cm x width 21cm x length 2.1cm
Edition: JANUARY 2022
Volume: 01


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“Interviews with Artists” collector’s art book in a deluxe limited edition of 500 hand-numbered copies featuring the best international artists and designed with the most advanced curatorial and editorial skills. This collectible contemporary art book aims to create a visual language between international artists and art collectors, offering them the possibility of an artistic, visual and emotional exchange.

The featured artists are: Nikki Raitz, Natalie Lambert, Mary Stefanou, Eric Pijnaken, Nicola Barth, Rui Aleixo, Laura Romero, Mike Steinhauer, Fernando Velazquez, Leah Oates, Uljana Korol, Olga Nikitina, Yseult.D, Alexandra Holownia, Ruiqi Zhang , Tris Bucaro, Veronika Spleiss, Letícia Larín, Nithya Guthikonda, Nadra Jacob, Shaiza Ahmad, Tabata Bandin, Minh Vinh, Salomé Tamayo Hidalgo, Dier Zhang, Moree Wu, Sofya Danilova, My Linh Mac, Elvin Ou, Aristo Vopênka, Susan Hensel , David Dejous, Camila Rodríguez Triana, Dalia Kiaupaite, Bob Landström, Dipo Doherty, Evaldas Gulbinas, Karen Kanas, Ronit, Keret, Sunahtah Jones, Naomi Even-Aberle, Nogueira de Barros, Stéphanie Poppe, Zita Vilutyte, Marie Marchandise.


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