Title: Untitled Drawings
Author: David Franklin
Publisher: David Franklin
City of Publication: Barcelona
Size: 20,5 x 25,5 cm.
Page number: 70
Binding: Hardcover
Date of publication: 2021
ISBN: 978-84-09-29872-3


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Untitled Drawings is a publication collecting a series of works completed over the last few years, exploring shifting realities; fragmentation and mutation; architecture, landscape, and perception; the uncanny and the unconscious. These works possess a fetishistic focus, sliding between abstraction and representation, employing a distilled set of techniques (ink, pencil, paper) to explore the possibilities and unrealities of the world around us.

This publication is a strictly limited edition of 100 copies, each hand-numbered and signed. The book features 48 works, as well as texts by artists Sergi Botella and Paco Chanivet. Texts are in English and Spanish.

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