Traducción recursiva de titulares

Author: Daniel Jacoby
Publisher: Save As… Publications
Date: December 2008
Language: Spanish / English
Format: 15 x 21 cm
Pages: ; 268 pages
ISBN: 978–84–936956–1–3


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The headlines of four of the main Spanish newspapers (El Mundo, El País, El Periódico and La Vanguardia) are translated recursively with Google’s online translation service. The so-called recursive process supposes the translation of the original headline —in Spanish— into a second language, from this second language to a different third, from this third to a fourth and so on, going through all the languages that this translator admits, until returning the headline to its original language: Spanish.

The edition includes the result of this process, applied to a selection of headlines that appeared in the press from November 4 to 17, 2008, both inclusive.

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