Ponç abans de Ponç

Title: Ponç abans de Ponç.
Publisher: Edicions Poncianes. 
Author: Pilar Parcerisas.
ISBN: 978-84-7226-975-0.
Year: 2014.
Language: Catalan
Pages: 820.


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Edited by Pilar Parcerisas, it makes available essential documents for understanding the figure of Joan Ponç. It is an exhaustive compendium of everything that has been written about the painter in the press, exhibition catalogues and various publications. The book brings together historical critical documents, now unobtainable, which show us how Ponç was received in his early days. It includes historical criticisms and provides, in their entirety, some of the most successful literary approaches to his work, such as the books:

  • “Capses secretes”, Joan Ponç [Ed. Poncianes, 2010]
  • “Exploració de l’ombra”, Joan Fuster & Joan Ponç [Ed. Polígrafa, 1974]
  • “97 notes de ficcions poncianes”, J. V. Foix & Joan Ponç [Ed. Polígrafa, 1974]
  • Interview in the program «A fondo», J. Soler Serrano [Tele-radio, 1976]

The book includes articles by: Alexandre Cirici, Arnau Puig , Enric Tormo, Francesc Miralles, Joan Brossa, Joan Teixidor, J. Corredor-Matheos, J.-E. Cirlot, Maria Lluïsa Borràs, Mordechai Omer, Sebastià Gasch, Antoni Tàpies, Baltasar Porcel, Eugeni d’Ors, Jacques Lassaigne, Joan Perucho, Jordi Coca, Josep Palau i Fabre, Lluís Permanyer, Modest Cuixart, R. Santos Torroella & Víctor Castells, among others.

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