Arquitectura Forense: Violencia en el umbral de detectabilidad (Forensic Architecture: Violence at the Threshold of Detectability)

Title: Arquitectura Forense: Violencia en el umbral de detectabilidad (Forensic Architecture: Violence at the Threshold of Detectability).
Editorial: Bartlebooth
Author: Eyal Weizman.
No. of pages: 252.
Size: 210x127mm.
Digital color and b/w print.
Translation: Antonio Giráldez and Pablo Ibáñez.
Prologue: Marina Otero Verzier.


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Eyal Weizman opens the doors of Forensic Architecture with a didactic eagerness to explain the main bases that have sustained his work during the last decade, relying on case studies that take us from the drone attacks in the mountains of Afghanistan to detention centers in Syria, from the blurry recording of a shot in a video to the pixels of a satellite image, from the bombings in Gaza to the Guatemalan mountains.

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