ArtsLibris welcomes Dalpine

ArtsLibris welcomes Dalpine, a leading publisher of photobooks.

Founded in 2010 in Madrid, Dalpine’s main objective is to disseminate photography in all its narrative complexity. Its publications focus on the photobook, but also go beyond it: they pursue with a tireless avant-garde spirit the new forms and visual languages, the new voices and gazes, also bringing them into dialogue with reprints of classic books and forgotten artists, whom they recover and resurrect in a new time and space. Translated with (free version)

Its catalogue is an exquisite repository of stories woven from the joint work of artists, designers and publishers. The result is limited-edition, yet accessible books, where form and content feed off each other.

Es un placer colaborar con este proyecto de cuidada trayectoria y ferviente compromiso con el arte de la edición.



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