ArtsLibris Madrid
The 2019 edition of ArtsLibris at ARCOmadrid is coming closer. In 2019, ArtsLibris will grow: we will have 35 exhibitors, ranging from antique dealers, publishers and booksellers to editorial projects related to artist’s books, photobooks and contemporary publishing, both from Spain and abroad. And there will be some important developments: Brazil’s participation in the fair increases, and Peru, the guest country in the 2019 edition of ARCO, will also be represented in ArtsLibris for the first time.
The exhibitors’ display will be complemented with the Speakers’ Corner program of book launches, conversations, etc. The detailed program for the Speaker’s Corner will be uploaded very soon.

16.00 h
Unreachable Empires was conceived by Sigismond de Vajay, who in this book combines his drawings with essays by the novelist Mario Bellatín, the glaciologist Bruno Jourdain and the geographer and biotechnologist Elizabeth R. Johnson. It has been published by Kültur Büro Barcelona/Buenos Aires and The JRP Ringier (Zurich).
17.00 h
In connection with its programme of internships for artists, Fabienne Aguado, director of artistic studies at the Casa de Velázquez — Académie de France à Madrid, will present Action Comics 1 (Détournement), publication by Martín Vitaliti gestated during his internship, in company with the artist and the publisher ferranElOtro.
18.00 h
We will talk about the origin and development of Alias Editorial, a project of the Mexican artist Damián Ortega who publishes texts that he considers to be valuable references of contemporary art and are not available in the Spanish-speaking countries: an exercise of artistic practice that has grown to become a full-scale publishing house.
16.00 h
Ana Garcia-Pineda, together with the commissioner Martí Manen, presents Más máquinas y maquinaciones (More Machines and Machinations), a book in which the artist celebrates the most intimate and Dadaist day-to-day life, “writedrawing” about vital aspects of existence through a set of inventions centred in “third-degree disasters”.
17.00 h
Consonni presents its new publications together with Iván de la Nuez, author of Teoría de la retaguardia (Theory of the Rearguard) — an ironic manifesto that alludes to Peter Bürger’s Theory of the Vanguard— and to the artist Maider López, who has produced the intervention “Marcapáginas” (Bookmark) in the book Video Green by Chris Kraus. Olga Fernández López moderates the conversation.
Unknown Photographers is a post-photographic project of the artist Andrés Galeano, based on montages of photos extracted from found photograph albums, which reflects the latent desire of every photograph to transcend the instant. The artist presents it in collaboration with the Portuguese commissioner Sérgio Fazenda.
16.00 h
To commemorate its fifth anniversary, Blueproject Foundation presents the special edition Still Blue, with some of the collaborators such as María Jacarilla, Anna Dot and Aurélien Le Genissel and the team of the foundation: Renato Della Poeta, Pedro Torres and Cristina López Morcuende.
17.00 h
In The (Invisible) Art of Documenting Art, published by Caniche Editorial, Cristina Garrido reflects the history, or at least one of the histories, of the “B side” of art: the (invisible) figure of the photographer who documents contemporary art.
STET Livros & fotografias presents the book Ether/ um laboratório of fotografia e história, by Susana Lourenço Marques with preface by Horacio Fernández, dedicated to the gallery and publisher of photography that had the greatest impact on photographic culture in Portugal in the eighties and nineties. With the participation of the author, Horacio Fernández and Filipa Valladares.
16.00 h
The essay Disputas sobre lo contemporáneo. Spanish art between antifrancoism and postmodernism, by Juan Albarrán, opens the collection “Textos inevitables” (Unavoidable Texts) by Exit Editorial. It is presented by its author along with Rosa Olivares, Victor del Río and Patricia Mayayo.
17.00 h
The veteran collection of CRU artist books, directed by Alex Gifreu is now publishing its number 052. In this presentation, some of the artists and collaborators who have been involved with the project throughout its history will tell us the key points of this publishing project.
18.00 h
The Peruvian publisher Meier Ramirez presents the book De tiempo en tiempo un volcán estalla (From Time to Time a Volcano Explodes), by the photographer Gihan Tubbeh, in a conversation between the artist and the curator Jorge Villacorta.
12.00 h
“Niño de Elche” (Child of Elche) (Francisco Contreras Molina), Darío Corbeira (director of Brumaria) and Pedro José Mariblanca Corrales talk about the book Niño de Elche. The golpe que necesitábamos (Child of Elche. The Blow We Need), in which Mariblanca reflects on the work of the singer relating his music with philosophy and critical thought.
13.00 h
The presentation of the trilogy Absence on stage /escenarios de la ausencia, a selection of scenographs of Japanese noh theatre published by Photosai Art Editions, will be attended by the artist Darío Álvarez and Alfredo Mateos Paramio, publisher of Photosai.
List of Exhibitors ArtsLibris MADRID 2019
55SP (São Paulo) | Alias (Ciudad de México) | Archeles Ediciones de Arte (Madrid) | ArtsLibris (Barcelona) Blueproject Foundation (Barcelona) | Brumaria (Madrid) | Caniche Editorial (Madrid) | Carmen Alonso Libros (Santander) | Casa de Velázquez (Madrid) | CENDEAC (Murcia) | Consonni (Bilbao) | Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana (Valencia) | Contexto Ediciones (Lima) | Danilo Montanari Editore (Rávena) | Editorial Alpha (Barcelona) | Editorial RM (Barcelona/México) | Enciclopèdia Art (Barcelona) | Florence Loewy (París) | Instantes Gráficos (Buenos Aires) | Juan Naranjo Galería de Arte & Documentos (Barcelona) | Kültur Büro (Barcelona/Buenos Aires) | L’Arengario Studio Bibliografico (Gussago – Brescia) | Librería El Astillero (Colindres – Cantabria) | Livraria Madalena (São Paulo) | M&S Aventuras Literarias (Encinillas – Segovia) | Meier Ramirez (Lima) | Photosai (Madrid) | RAC / Sandra Gamarra (Pontevedra / Madrid) | RocioSantaCruz / Raíña Lupa (Barcelona) | STET – Livros & fotografias (Lisboa) | Studio Montespecchio (Módena) | TEOR/éTica (San José – Costa Rica) | Tinta Invisible (Barcelona) | Tristan Barbarà (Barcelona)