Barcelona -2022
Entrance through Calle Comte d’Urgell, 1
08011 Barcelona
Entrance through Calle Manso, 154B
08015 Barcelona
Friday, June 10 from 12 noon to 8 p.m.
Saturday June 11 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Sunday June 12 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Opening: June 10 at 12 noon
1+1=11 (Zaragoza), Àfriques Edicions (Sant Cugat del Vallés), Ahora Ediciones (Murcia), Ajuntament de Barcelona. Direcció de Serveis Editorials (Barcelona), Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Art (Barcelona), Alejandra Morales (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat), Alias Editorial (Ciudad de México), Amagats (Barcelona), Amen&Co (Portals Nous), Animales de Lorca (Valencia), ANTI-books (Barcelona), Aran Santamaria (Zumaia), Asociación Amigos de Eloi Gimeno (Barcelona), Bartlebooth (Lugo), Bonart Cultural (Girona), Ca l’Isidret (Sant Martí Sarroca), Caja Negra (Buenos Aires), CÀNEM GALERIA (Castelló de la Plana), Caniche (Madrid), Casus Belli Ediciones (Madrid), CCCB (Barcelona), CENDEAC (Murcia), Centre d’Art Tecla Sala (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat), Chamo San (Barcelona), Chiquita Room (Barcelona), CiberCliff, Mercat Dominical del Llibre (Barcelona), Consonni (Bilbao), Cuscusian*s (Girona), Ediciones E2 (Barcelona), Ediciones Anómalas (Barcelona), Ediciones La Escocesa (Barcelona), Ediciones Posibles (Barcelona), Edicions Poncianes (Barcelona), Editorial Concreta (Valencia), Editorial Elvira – Fosfatina Ediciones (Vigo), Editorial Lumínic (Sant Cugat del Vallés), Editorial RM (Barcelona), EINA Edit (Barcelona), El Naufraguito (Barcelona), Enciclopèdia Art (Barcelona), Escola d’Art Pau Gargallo (Badalona), Escola Llotja (Barcelona), ESDAPC (Barcelona), Fabra i Coats: Centre d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (Barcelona), Fabrica de creació Roca Umbert / Experimentem amb l’Art (Granollers), Fabulatorio (A Coruña), Familia Editions (Madrid), FÈLIX SAMPIETRO (Terrassa), ferranElOtro Editor (Medellín/Barcelona), Fundació Antoni Tàpies (Barcelona), Fundació Mies van der Rohe (Barcelona), Fundació Miró (Barcelona), Fundació Privada Vila Casas (Barcelona), Galerie Écho 119 (Paris), Gina Vena Books (El Masnou), graphobios (Buenos Aires), Handshake (Valencia), Heads Take Away (Mutilva Alta), Instantes Gráficos (Buenos Aires), José Antonio Soria (Terrassa), Josep Casacuberta / Jose Casanova (Barcelona), L’ull a la mà, microedicions (Tarragona), La Aurora Ediciones (Murcia), LA CANC / Edicions del bosc / ECLÈCTYC impressions (Terrassa), La Capella (Barcelona), La Dïéresis editorial (Ciudad de México), La Dolce Vita, Mercat Dominical del Llibre (Barcelona), La Maleta de Portbou (Barcelona), La Virreina Centre de la Imatge (Barcelona), Las Ciervas / Rubén Barroso (Sevilla),Libros del Zorro Rojo (Barcelona), Lidia Moreno (Terrassa), Llamp Edicions (Barcelona), Llibreria Fictícia, Mercat Dominical del Llibre (Barcelona), Llibreria Sánchez, Mercat Dominical del Llibre (Barcelona), Llibres de Companyia, Mercat Dominical del Llibre (Barcelona), MACBA (Barcelona), Mercat Dominical del Llibre de Sant Antoni (Barcelona), Metales Pesados (Santiago de Chile), Mia Martí (Barcelona),Miguel Mosquera (Ourense), MNAC (Barcelona), MOREL (London), Mousse Magazine and Publishing (Milan), Muga (Gijón), multistudioBOOKS (Sant Cugat), Museu del Disseny HUB (Barcelona) Museu Picasso (Barcelona), NOGUERA. Edicions Singulars (Barcelona), Ojos de Buey (Barcelona), Onomatopee Projects (Eindhoven), per(r)ucho (Valencia), Poncho Martínez / Deep Edicions (Barcelona), Punt d’estampa by Francesca Poza (Barcelona), R40 ediciones (Barcelona), RESTORY, rare books for rare people (Barcelona), RocíoSantaCruz / Raíña Lupa (Barcelona), RV Cultura e Arte (Salvador de Bahia), Save As… Publications (Barcelona), Taller-escola La Xifla (Barcelona), Temblores Publicaciones (Ciudad de México), Teresa Gomez Martorell/Silvia Pagliano (Barcelona), The Green Parrot Editions (Barcelona), Tinta Invisible Edicions (Barcelona), Xavier Manrique (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat).
International Seminar
Collecting Artist Publications
With the collaboration of La Virrenia Centre de la Imatge
In this new edition of ArtsLibris, our Seminar aims to give collectors a voice, inviting on the one hand Gabriela Cendoya Bergache, a collector specialized in photobooks, who has gathered a collection of more than 3,000 volumes and who since 2017 manages the Center of Documentation and Library of the San Telmo Museum, with the main objective of making its collection more visible and making it available to the public, as well as deepening the study and knowledge of this type of artistic expression.
Also participating in the seminar is José María Lafuente, an exceptional collector who in 2002 founded the Archivo Lafuente, one of the most important private documentary collections on the avant-garde and artistic modernity in Europe. In 2009 he also promoted the publishing label La Bahía, where more than thirty books and catalogs have come to light, many thematically related to the Archive’s own documentary collections.
MELANCOHOLEMIA (Vida de Mamarracho),
Antón Reixa Performance
La Virreina Centre de la Imatge
june 9 at 21:30
A performance in which the author, Antón Reixa, turns his book with the same title into a show.
The public fictionalizes those attending a visit to a mental institution in an “open house” day.
The actor represents the patient in charge of welcoming them, “telling them something or doing something like a conference”.
From the stage, in dialogue with a screen, the actor tells the life of a certain “Mamarracho Person”.
The actor/author is too insistent that the story is not autobiographical.
June 9 at 9:30 p.m.
La Virreina Centre de la Imatge
It is necessary to confirm attendance by sending an email to:

A dynamic and flexible space for discussion, dissemination and exchange of authors, publishers and the general public.
This year we will have scheduled around thirty presentations and activities that will be located in two spaces: one outside, the Speakers’ Corner, in the context of the fair, and another inside, the Speakers’ Room, in the Multipurpose Room of the Fossat del Mercat de Sant Antoni.
13:00 – Inaugural Talk of the Speakers’Corner
Isabel Coixet and Anton Reixa
Dialogue between the film director, Isabel Coixet, and the musician and poet, Antón Reixa, about the importance of books in their respective careers. Both will discuss the joys and frustrations of this type of artistic editing.
15:00 – Presentation of ‘1PX/4KM’
Jaime Sebastian and Handshake
1PX/4KM is the result of research on NOAA satellites, a series of apparently obsolete meteorological instruments that circle the earth daily.
16:00 – Presentation of ‘Sketched Memories’
Chamo San and Alex Pamies
Presentation of the self-published and limited edition book that summarizes ten years of the well-known illustrator’s career, Chamo San.
17:00 – Presentation of ‘El pasajero’. AL Series No. 6
Mabel Palacin, Alex Gifreu and Rocio Santa Cruz
El pasjero walks a path already trodden by Walker Evans and Helen Levitt. Now with a mobile phone, invisible to be current and by its frequency to the contemporary landscape.
18:00 – Swimming in books, swimming in images
A conversation between Laía Argüelles and Louis Porter
The two artists will talk about their way of working with images and books – their own and those of others.
19:00 – TRES
Arnau Horta and Valentín Roma.
This book now brings together different unpublished essays on Tres by Ramón Andrés, Ángela Molina, Michal Libera and Katryn Evinson, as well as an extensive biographical and aesthetic narrative written by Ignacio Echevarría.
12:00 – Dialogue around ‘La performatividad de las imágenes’ & ‘Icona’
Andrea Soto Calderón and Toni Amengual
The photographer and editor Toni Amengual and the philosopher Andrea Soto Calderón will talk about the links that can be established from their respective works.
13:00 – Presentation of ‘The Backway’
Edu Ponces and Editorial RM
For four years, a group of journalists and photographers traveled the main migratory route of thousands of undocumented people from West Africa trying to reach Europe.
15:00 – Presentation of ‘Je t’aime, je t’aime’, Léo Berne
Myriam Tabouret
The book is a true declaration of love to those, known and unknown, who have crossed and inhabited Léo Berne’s life in recent years.
16:00 – Una exposició de debò
Martí Anson and Joana Hurtado
In accordance with the fragmented and deliberately unfinished nature of the exhibition, this publication collects the documentation related to Una exposicion de debò, by Martí Anson, which took place at Fabra y Coats: Centre d’Art Contemporani, Barcelona.
17:00 – Presentation of ‘Summer’s Almost Gone’
Alex Llovet
It is a very special object built from dark cutouts of memory that are revealed in the form of 24 unfolding quadriptychs. It is made up of photographs of Alex Llovet combined with texts by the writer Lara Moreno.
18:00 – Presentation of ‘¿Qúe hostia dicen los rumorosos?’
Antón Reixa and Editorial Elvira
Translation of the publication Que hostia din os rumosoros?, in the Galician language, by the Rompente Poetic Communication Group, formed by Antón Reixa, Manuel M. Romón and Alberto Avendaño.
19:00 – Presentation of ‘Stories’
Almudena Lobera and Aurélin Le Gennissel
With this book the exhibition project Stories is completed, in which Lobera presents a critical and ironic staging of the prevailing mechanisms of consumption and communication in our days.
11:00 – A books’s end: ‘Williamsburg. A place once I called home’
Mara Catalán and Toni Amengual
With this presentation he reflects on the journey that the Catalan book has had at the end of its cycle, when only the last copies remain on the market.
12:00 – Collecting at the Mercat Dominical del Llibre
Eloy Fernández Porta and Santiago García Tirado
Conversation between the writer and doctor of Humanities, Eloy Fernández Porta, and the journalist Santiago García Tirado, about their links with the Mercat Dominical del Llibre de Sant Antoni.
13:00 – Presentation of ‘Iremos al sol / Towards the sun’
Regina Gimenez and Suso Vázquez Gómez (Fabulatorio)
It is an artist’s book / catalog of the homonymous exhibition by Regina Gimenez at the Patio Herreriano Museum in Valladolid.
15:00 – Presentation of ArtsByblio Award. Call 2023
Anna Comellas and María Lucas
Edicions E2, in collaboration with ArtsLibris Barcelona, announces the fifth artist’s book award for national schools.
16:00 – Eloi Gimeno Award for Best Photobook
ArtsLibris, Foto Colectania y Asociación Amigos de Eloi Gimeno
13:30 – ‘El caballo de dos cabezas’ Book Jockey
Mariela Sancari
This work resignifies the photographs of a series entitled El caballo de dos cabezas, self-portraits of the author with her twin sister that revolve around memory and fiction.
15:30 – Como hacer un fanzine, (con éxito) (relativo)
Ceferino Galán
The fanzine El Naufraguito will be presented, from its origins and the public will be explained how to make a fanzine following the chapters of one of its numbers that explains it.
16:30 – Presentation of ‘Vinçon. 1929-2015’
Amb María José Balcells and Llorenç Bonet
The third volume of the Imprescindibles collection gathers the history of the emblematic Passeig de Gracia store, based on the documentation of its archive that is kept in the Documentation Center of the Design Museum.
17:30– Muros de viento, sarcófagos cristalinos (presentation of a publication in progress)
María García Ruiz
How does Western civilizing logic treat the forms of nomadism that inhabit it? This performative presentation opens the process of creating a publication that explores this question through the deployment of an expanded imaginary.
18:30 – Presentation of ‘Eduardo y Miguel’
Ediciones Posibles, in zoom connection with Ignació Coló.
Ignacio Coló will present in connection from Argentina his photobook ‘Eduardo y Miguel’, winner of the first edition of the Star Photobook Dummy Award. The book shows the life of the Portnoy twin brothers, who at 50 years of age have never been separated.
13:30 – Live Publishing
Artefactos Nativos and Irene Contreras, organized by La Escocesa
Live publishing is a fast-publishing proposal between live coding and bookjockey. Edurne Marco, Ezequiel Soriano and Irene Contreras will create, layout, edit, print and distribute live publications for one hour in the Spearkers’Room space at ArtsLibris.
15:30 – Presentación de ‘Matter’
Aleix Plademunt
Se trata de un trabajo de largo recorrido sobre la materia y la suyas problemáticas socioeconómica y geopolítica, entre otras reflexiones, realizado durante un periodo de casi diez años, y que culmina con una exposición que ha pasado por el MACBA y por la Sala Canal de Madrid, además de la publicación del libro del mismo nombre, por Ca l’Isidret y Spector Books.
16:30 – Presentation of ‘Rápido REM’
Miguel Leache
“Behind his eyes trips, problems, colors, waves, conversations without apparent meaning are formed. A cerebral reaction that has not yet been described, makes the announcement of the station in which the traveler has to get off wake him up without frights. No it always works and sometimes, you can see someone who wakes up, while trying to recognize the landscape through which the metro is already traveling in daylight, very far from its destination”.
17:30 – Presentation of the facsimile of the artist’s book ‘Caballos de Luz’
Maria Helguera and Carlos Duarte
This presentation will show the joint creative process between a poet and a painter, which has given rise to the artist’s book Caballos de Luz.
18:30 – El trabajo de las imágenes: Conversaciones con Andrea Soto Calderón
Andrea Soto Calderón and Javier Bassas
Dialogue between the two philosophers around the book by Jacques Ranciere, edited by Casus Belli.
11:30 – Presentation of ‘Arte y Transformación. Una mirada de fin de siglo’
Natàlia Chocarro, Jesús Martínez Clarà and Isidre Manils
The book brings together the articles published by Jesús Martínez Clarà from 1980 to the present, accompanied by 25 drawings by the artist Isidre Manils.
12:30 – Veritats Invisibles
La Canc
The artistic and pedagogical results of Veritats Invisibles are collected in the different publications in the form of texts, images, drawings, paintings and objects.
13:30 – Presentation of ‘ECONOMIA (Fragmentos de un poema realmente surrealista)’
Dionisio Cañas
Presentation of the new edition of the poet Dionisio Cañas.
Binding workshops by the Conservatory of Book Arts – ESDA Llotja
By: Pilar Alvarez, Irene Hernandez and Antonella Calcagno
Friday 10, 5 – 6:30 p.m.
Perpetual travel notebook
Saturday 11: 12 – 1:30 p.m.
Midori’s Workshop
Saturday 11: 4 – 5:30 p.m.
Turkish Map Fold // Perpetual travel notebook
Sunday 12: 12 – 13:30
Turkish Map Fold
Colorful accordion stories.
By Yo Milne, Eina Edit
Saturday 11: 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
A workshop to delve into the world of stamping and binding, through the making of a small accordion book. A type of multi-ply book where you can take advantage of both sides of the paper to create front and back stories.
Limited places. To participate in the workshops it is necessary to confirm attendance by sending an email to:
Banc Sabadell Award
Every year ArtsLibris awards the ArtsLibris Banc Sabadell Award. This award consists of the acquisition and incorporation into the Banc Sabadell Art Collection of the editions selected by the jury. The award seeks to support publications that propose an original connection between ideas and visual content, that work with innovative publishing formats and that propose innovative aesthetic and conceptual content.
Eloi Gimeno Award
to the best Photobook
This year for the first time ArtsLibris together with the Foto Colectania Foundation and in collaboration with the Amigos de Eloi Gimeno Association will grant the Eloi Gimeno Award for the best Photobook among those attending the ArtsLibris Barcelona 2022 fair. The trajectory of this artist revitalized Spanish photography to through photobooks, taking aesthetic risks, self-publishing, elegantly working on the design of his books and launching processes of collective creation.
AL Series
The AL Series is a collection of artist books produced and edited by ArtsLibris with the support of the Fundació Banc Sabadell. ArtsLibris launched it with the aim of promoting the publication of new work by artists who have shown, in their previous production, a clear interest in the field of artist’s books.
This year, the artist chosen for the publication of the AL Series is Mabel Palacín (Barcelona, 1965) with her book El pasajero, designed and edited by Àlex Gifreu. So far, the award-winning artists have been Iñaki Bonillas (Mexico City, 1981), Martín Vitaliti (Buenos Aires, 1978), Javier Peñafiel (Zaragoza, 1964), Wilfredo Prieto (Sancti Spiritus, Cuba, 1978), Mariana Castillo Deball ( Mexico City, 1975) and Itziar Okariz (San Sebastián, 1965).

Àlex Gifreu & Cecilia Martín
Books Never Stop
This poster is the third in the ‘Books Never…’ series created by Àlex Gifreu and Cecilia Martín, which will evolve and mutate over the years – Books Never Lie, Books Never Breathe, Books Never Kill…— to end in a manifest.

ArtsLibris Editions
ArtsLibris expands its collection of cotton bags and gloves with the creations of Carlos Bunga (Porto, 1976).
Carlos Bunga creates works that show the process of his own creation and works in various formats: sculptures, paintings, drawings, performances, video and, above all, on-site installations that relate to and intervene in the architecture that surrounds him. They are characterized by an intense study of the combination of color and materiality, while at the same time emphasizing the performative aspect of the creative act.