ARCOmadrid - 2024
ArtsLibris was founded in 2009, 15 years ago, as a publishing fair project specialising in artist publications, photobooks, contemporary thought, desktop publishing and digital publications. It has three annual venues, ArtsLibris Barcelona, ArtsLibris ARCOmadrid and ArtsLibris ARCOlisboa.
In these fifteen years, ArtsLibris, renewing synergies and challenges, it has consolidated an international trajectory with its own identity, rooted in the Mediterranean and Latin American context. Dialogue and experimentation are the main hallmarks of ArtsLibris, whose fairs host curatorial projects, seminars, discussion forums, exhibitions, performances and interdisciplinary collaborations.
In its collaboration with ARCO, the project has established itself as a way of bringing contemporary art to the general public and especially to the new generations, encouraging collecting through a plural and rigorous editorial community, creating new meeting points between art and society through artist publications.
This edition brings together more than eighty publishers from twenty countries, reflecting the future possibilities for publications in these genres.
Since 2020 ArtsLibris has a digital bookshop and a permanent, lively and innovative space, the ArtsLibris bookshop in Barcelona
0. itemzero (Espinho) · 42 Líneas de Arte (Oviedo) · AADR (Art Architecture Design research) (Baunach) · Adverse (Châtellerault) · Adriana Eskenazi (Barcelona) · Akal (Barcelona) · Alejandra Morales (Barcelona) · ALIAS (Ciudad de México) · Àfriques Edicions (Barcelona) · Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Art (Barcelona) · Anna Roura (Barcelona) · Animales de Lorca (Valencia) · ArchiveBooks (Berlín) · Arcàdia (Barcelona) · ArtsLibris Serie AL (Barcelona) · Belleza Infinita (Bilbao) · bonart (Barcelona) · Caja Negra (Buenos Aires) · Caniche (Madrid) · Casa de Velázquez (Madrid) · CENDEAC (Murcia) · Comisura (Madrid) · Consonni (Bilbao) · Dalpine (Madrid) · Disko Books (Copenhague) · Eacheve (Guayaquil) · Ediciones del Bosc (Barcelona) · Ediciones Puro Chile (Santiago de Chile) · Ediciones Vilaseco (A Coruña) · Edizioni Casa Falconieri (Cagliari) · Editora Madalena (São Paulo) · Editorial Entrelazando (Bogotá) · Editorial RM (Barcelona / Ciudad de Mexico) · El Disparate (Madrid) · EXIT Publicaciones (Madrid) · Fabulatorio (A Coruña) · Fabra i Coats: Centre d’Art Contemporani (Barcelona) · Frédérique Destribats (París) · Fontanar Ediciones (Segovia) · Fundació Vila Casas (Barcelona) · Fundació Joan Miró (Barcelona) · Fundación María José Jove (A Coruña) · Fundación Ouka Leele (Madrid) · Galería Miguel Marcos (Barcelona) · Greylock (Madrid) · Heads Take Away (Pamplona) · Heidemarie von Wedel UNDEINS (Sttutgart) · Hopper&Fuchs (Amberes) · Institut de Cultura, Ajuntament de Barcelona (Barcelona) · Irena Visa (Barcelona) · IVAM (Valencia) · José Quintanar (Rotterdham) · Karen Ghostlaw-Pomarico (Nueva York) · Kit Caníbal, (Madrid) · La Capella, (Barcelona) · Lanipsebooks (Barcelona) · La Granja Estudio (Madrid) · La Virreina Centre de la Imatge (Barcelona) · LAMP.EG (Madrid) · Las Ciervas / Rubén Barroso (Sevilla) · La Zúa Ediciones (Cuenca) · Mia Martí (Barcelona) · MACBA (Barcelona) · Macaco Press (Ourense) · MAKERMAKER (Seúl) · Metales Pesados (Santiago de Chile) · MiraLookBooks (Madrid) · Mousse Publishing (Milán) · Museo Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona) · multistudioBOOKS (Barcelona) · Natalia García Vilas (Madrid) · MACK (Londres) · Ogami Press (Madrid) · Ojos de Buey (Barcelona) · per(r)ucho risograph (Valencia) · Puente editores (Barcelona) · RAUM Editions (Salamanca) · Raíña Lupa (Barcelona) · RocioSantaCruz (Barcelona) · Roga Ediciones (Ciudad de México) · Sellen Botto (Valencia) · Stockmans Art Books (Amberes) · Sud Sud (Lisboa) · Tabletimes (Barcelona) · TBA21 I Thyssen-Bornemisza ArtsContemporany (Madrid / Viena) · TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes (Tenerife) · Temblores (Ciudad de México) · Tejido ajado (Madrid) · Terremoto (Ciudad de México) · The Eyes Publishing (París) · Tinta Invisible (Barcelona) · Tonini Editore (Gussago) · Unika Books (Madrid) · Universitat de València (Valencia) · Xavier Manrique (Barcelona) · Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. (Ljubljana)

SPEAKERS’ CORNER ARCOmadrid & ArtsLibris
A dynamic and flexible space for discussion, dissemination and exchange of authors, publishers and the general public.
This year we will have around thirty presentations and activities scheduled to take place in the Speakers’ Corner.
Presents: On Rape, Dewi Lewis Publishing.
With: Laia Abril, author of the book.
Following the judicial and media failure in the case of La Manada, Abril decides to focus the second chapter of her long-term project A History of Misogyny on rape. She approaches it from the perspective of institutional failure, searching for the origin of the laws and myths that underpin rape culture around the world.
Presents: Tenerse en pie
With: Salvador Juanpere, artist, and Natàlia Chocarro, curator of the exhibition.
Presentation of the publication of the exhibition Salvador Juanpere – Tenerse en pie. Organised by the Fundació Vila Casas and produced by the Centre Cultural-Llibreria Blanquerna in Madrid, Tenerse en pie is both an exploration of the processes and methods of construction of the sculptural work and a meta-reflection on the profession itself.
Presents: Ella soy yo, Editorial Funambulista.
With: Ella Fontanals Cisneros and Wendy Guerra.
Wendy Guerra will conduct the event and will talk with the author about some details of the book, the circumstances that led her to write it, and the coincidences (or not) with the author’s own biography.
Presents: Nico Munuera
With: Nico Munuera, artist, and Manuel Cebrián López, director of the Instituto de las Industrias Culturales y las Artes (ICA).
This publication is part of the Naturae project carried out in 2023 by Nico Munuera. The aim of this project has been to involve different agents that make up the art world throughout the creative process. Critics, designers, translators, photographers, artists, etc. with whom sharing sessions have been created in relation to the art world.
Presents: Itziar Barrio, editorial Skira.
With: Itziar Barrio.
Presents: El libro de artista como vínculo entre lo inmaterial y lo físico.
With: Marta Pérez Campos, resident artist from the Casa de Velázquez
Marta P. Campos will present two of his artist’s books and a preview of the one she is currently working on as a resident artist. She will talk, on the one hand, about his interest in bringing the invisible into the real world, as in the case of 1914-2014: diccionario cementerio del español and, on the other, about the virtual world with his projects Glitchonomicon and Goodbye, World!
Presents: Cómo expandir un programa de residencias. La edición alternativa y el arte impreso como práctica artística, MACACO Press.
With: Mela Dávila Freire and Sabrina Fernández Casas, resident artist 2023.
Within the framework of the Fundación María José Jove, FMJJ – NORMAL Artist-in-Residence Programme in A Coruña, we invited Sabrina Fernández Casas to present the MACACO Press project and to discuss printed art and alternative editions, as well as their modes of circulation, with Mela Dávila Freire.
Presents: Arte contra la violencia machista. Tantas mujeres en una misma.
With: Ester Alba, Vicerrectora de Cultura i Societat de la Universitat de València, and Semíramis González, curator of this exhibition.
Based on a selection of works by 30 women artists (from the collections of the five Valencian public universities and private collections such as DKV, INELCOM and the New Pilar Citoler Collection), the exhibition establishes a resounding narrative against gender violence.
Presents: Auto-retrato o Doble Digital
With: Ester Alba, Vicerrectora de Cultura i Societat de la Universitat de València, and Clara Boj and Diego Díaz, artists.
This publication addresses one of the fundamental changes taking place in our social and cultural environment: the progressive loss of privacy and the analysis of the data we generate by companies whose activity is beyond our control.
17.00 IVAM
Presents: Trascity: explorando las posibilidades del catálogo como extensión de una exposición.
With: Jaime del Corro, designer, and Alberto Feijóo, artist.
This presentation will explain the process of creating the catalogue for Alberto Feijóo’s exhibition Trascity, which took place at the IVAM Centre Julio González in Valencia from 1st June 2023 to 8th January 2024. The catalogue is an “artefact” that brings together collage, texts and images from the exhibition, exploring the capacities of the book and questioning the ways of presenting an exhibition through the use of printed pages.
Presents: El Libro de Artista. Objeto de sí mismo
With: Matilde Marín
Information and reflections on this singular genre; canonical materials and, at the same time, new contents for those who want to investigate this artistic discipline. Based on their own experience and research, Matilde Marín and Natalia Silberleib address in their respective essays the central points that make up the artist’s book and open the way to future approaches and work proposals.
Escuela de Envejecer. B-bodegón: flores, frutas, jarrones y libros.
Composition by Ana Gallardo, Javier Pérez Iglesias and María Alejandra Gatti.
With: Ana Gallardo, Javier Pérez Iglesias and María Alejandra Gatti.
Performance action on the book Escuela de Envejecer.
Presents: Buscando lo imposible. Antología de textos sobre el origen de la fotografía.
With: Martí Llorens, Rebecca Mutell and Valentín Vallhonrat.
The Museo Universidad de Navarra presents the publication of an anthology of texts on the origin and emergence of photography, divided into three volumes, Utopia, Materiality and Praxis, in an edition edited by Martí Llorens and Rebecca Mutell. It includes the translation and commentary of 100 original texts written in English and French, most of which have never been translated into Spanish. The publication gives voice to those who imagined and created photography. This collection of texts highlights the genuine relationship between art and science to project photography as one of the great events of the 19th century.
Presents: El rostro de la máscara
With: Carles Mercader will talk with the writer Jesús Ferrero.
Presentation and conversation around the book TRAU, a photographic-poetic project by Carles Mercader, Vicenç Altaió and Lluís Calvo. The edition takes the form of an artist’s book containing a portable exhibition. Inside the aluminium box there are 7 analogue photographs by Carles Mercader, a screen-printed sheet with texts by Vicenç Altaió and Lluís Calvo, and assembly instructions for attaching the works to the sheet.
Presents: Muero todos los días 2020, Libros de la resistencia
With: Luis Francisco Pérez, critic, art theorist and exhibition curator.
Muero todos los días 2020 is Manuel Olveira’s second collection of poems which, together with his first, Muero todos los días 2013-2021, expplains about the life in León, where he directed the MUSAC. Written in pandemic confinement and de-escalation, it presents two parts that correspond to, the first, the intimate record of the last evening light falling on a wall and, the second, with the same register, once a lamp has been lit. Between the two, a photograph, which the author calls an incarnation, of a vase with elderberry branches pierced by sunlight.
With: Rocío SantaCruz, galerist, and María Rosenfeldt, Ana Alcocer and María Redondo, of the foundation’s management team.
The Ouka Leele Foundation was created with the mission to preserve the artistic and humanitarian legacy of the renowned artist and to promote cultural, social and environmental development through art. Inspired by Ouka Leele’s passion and commitment to creativity, social justice and sustainability, the foundation is dedicated to supporting young emerging artists, providing them with resources, spaces and mentoring to develop their talent in the contemporary artistic context.
Presents: EL LOCAL, an independent space for contemporary photography in Madrid.
With: Shinji Nagabe, Ignacio Navas, Karina Morante, Jorge G. Higuera, Emma Álvarez Marty, Silvia Jiménez.
EL LOCAL, on its first anniversary, takes a step further and evolves, presenting the latest news from our independent space on contemporary photography.
With: José Manuel Ciria and Manolo Oyonarte, Fernando Castro Flórez, Alfonso de la Torre, Carlos Delgado Mayordomo and Julio César Abad Vidal.
Brief presentation of fundamental aesthetic ideas and subsequent discussion. Throughout the event, works by the artists included in the books will be projected.
With: Maite Muñoz Iglesias and Laura Vallés
Concreta 22 (autumn 2023) seeks to warn of the divergence between the cultural figure of the mother and the biographical fact, between the institution and the experience, and to express non-conformism in the face of the oppressive expectations exerted on non-motherhoods and non non-motherhoods.
Presents: Recuerdo de Sevilla, Inmaculada Salinas
With: Inmaculada Salinas
Inmaculada Salinas’s work revolves around “the feminine”, understood as a social subject, which she places in a position that is not usually found, in which everything revolves around it. The artist analyses how this concept has been portrayed and transmitted throughout history through different systems of visual representation. In Recuerdo de Sevilla she analyses the social mechanisms that contribute to the invisibilisation of women through a re-reading of the iconography of Seville and its 162 streets named after women.
Presents: Ratos de pasión
With: Eduardo Sourrouille, artist of the work.
Photo-essay inspired by the book A Lover’s Discourse: Fragments, in which Roland Barthes analyses the act of love and the experience of the subject in love. Eduardo Sourrouille dismantles the clichés of romantic photo-novels to recreate the representation of the vicissitudes of love with other protagonists, situations and manners.
Presents: La condición postnatural, glosario de ecologías para otros mundos posibles.
With: Gabriel Alonso, Clara Benito and Catalina Imizcoz.
What is the relationship between contemporary ecology and artistic practices? How to understand levels of agency in relation to the socio-climatic crisis and how to seek other narratives for a desirable future? How to watch together, feel together, restructure our affect and sensibility? And how to move beyond mourning or guilt to action? From these and other questions, the dialogue revolves around some of the central themes of the book.
Presents: L’Eco de la Plaça del Diamant
With: Anna Roura, author.
An artist’s book based on the readings of the novel La Plaça del Diamant (by Mercè Rodoreda) by nine people who currently live in the Plaça del Diamant, in the Gràcia neighbourhood (Barcelona). The presentation will reflect on questions such as the act of reading and the link between public space and literary myth.