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ArtsLibris ARCOlisboa 2022

ArtsLibris is taking part again this year at ARCOlisboa. In this fourth edition, it presents 30 national and international exhibitors, with a notable presence of Portuguese publishers. The fair will be held in the Torreâo Nascente of the old Cordoaria Nacional factory and will be free to the public.

Our space for presentations and debates, Speakers’ Corner, will be active with the participation of the present editors that will talk about their publications and editorial lines. Together, from ArtsLibris and ARCO, we encourage collecting through artist publications, consolidating our proposal as a space for reflection and dialogue around the place that editions occupy in artistic production.

EXHIBITORS of ArtsLibris ARCOlisboa2022

42Lineas/Escuela de Arte de Oviedo (Oviedo), Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Art (Barcelona), Alias (Ciudad de México), Caja Negra (Buenos Aires), CENDEAC (Murcia), Contemporânea (Lisboa), CRICAO/Joan Tomás (Barcelona), Desapê (São Paulo), Ediciones ArtsLibris (Barcelona), EGEAC (Lisboa), ferranElOtro Editor (Medellín/Barelona), GHOST Editions (Lisboa), GLI ORI (Pistoia), Hangar Books (Lisboa), Horizon Projects (Colera), Meel Press / EmptyCube reader (Lisboa), Metales Pesados (Santiago de Chile), Mia Martí (Barcelona), Nocapaper (Santander), Puigfaura (Sabadell), Raíña Lupa (Barcelona), RocíoSantaCruz (Barcelona), RV Cultura e Arte (Salvador da Bahia), Save As… Publications (Barcelona), STET (Lisboa), Tinta Invisible Edicions (Barcelona), Umbigo (Lisboa), Urucum (Lisboa), Veritas Art Auctioneers Publishers (Lisboa), XYZ Books (Lisboa)

Speakers’ Corner PROGRAM

16:30 h – 42 Líneas / Oviedo School of Art + Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon
Present: Dialogue on the relevance of art editions in artistic education centers.
With: José Santos, Eduardo Guerra, Laura Gutiérrez & Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon.

17:30 h – Meel Press / Empty Cube reader
Presents: Ângela Ferreira – Study For Magic Land
Con: Ângela Ferreira, João Silvério & Hugo Amorin.

14:30 h – Hangar Books
Presents: Atlantica Talks
With: Ângela Ferreira, Paula Nascimento, Nithya Iyer, Mónica de Miranda & César Schofield Cardoso. 

15:30 h – XYZ Books
Presents: XYZ Books Residencies – Matéria de Luísa Ferreira
With: Luísa Ferreira + XYZ Books Editors

16:30 h – Desapê
Presents: Do livro nasce livro
With: Theodore Ereira Guyer, Renata Siqueira Bueno, Ivonne Villamil & Ivar Rocha.

17:30 h – STET / No.No Gallery
Present: !No Pasaran!
With: Ana Perez Quiroga

18:30 h – STET
Presents: Os livros como matéria e construção
With: Fernanda Fragateiro

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