Outer Horizons No.4

Title: Outer Horizons No.4. Art & Spirit. Art & Philosophy.
Edited by Galeria Horizon.
Text by: various authors.
Language: ENG, CAT & CAST.
Dimensions: 33 x 24 cm.
Soft cover, 112 pages, B/W.
Year of publication: 2018.


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Spirituality and Art? A new look at On the spiritual in Art that W. Kandinsky wrote in 1911 is needed. The word spiritual can mean everything and nothing. Spirituality manifests itself through form and matter. That may seem a contradiction, because we associate the spirit with something invisible and immaterial. Art needs make the spirit concrete, to reunite it with matter as the soul with the body. The best works of the artists are a clear manifestation of how to unite the spirit with the material generating a transforming energy. But what does spirituality mean in today’s society? What drawing can describe the XXI artist in a world where business and the ephemeral dominates? Where is the voracity of the image, destroying the memory, destroying the intelligence? Will we manage to transform the ordinary into something extraordinary and spiritual energy into art?

Collaborating artists such as Takesada Matsutani author of the cover, Wolfgang Laib, Dani Karavan, Xavier Escribà, Bernard Borgeaud, Yoon Hee etc…and texts by Carmen Pardo Salgado, Jesús Martínez Clará, Lucrezia De Domizio Durini, Miguel Morey, Pilar Parcerisas, Rina Arya etc. .

Outer Horizons, starting from a point of diversity, will lead us to the grand dimension of the unity of solidarity.

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