The Backway

Author: VV. AA.
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 168 + 12 inserts
Size: 20 x 26 cm
Language: Spanish
ISBN: 978-84-17975-91-3
Year of Publication: 2021


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For 4 years, a group of journalists and photographers walked the main migratory route of thousands of undocumented people from West Africa that try to get to Europe. A journey that revealed abuse, injustice and death, but also discovered the hope of these same migrants to reach a better future. A vast, incomplete and sometimes failed journey that made the authors question their own profession and work.

Edited by Laia Abril and Roger P. Gironès, this is the winner project of the Ortega y Gasset Prize for Journalism and the Scholarship of National Geographic Society 2019.

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