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Actitud, manual para artistas emergentes (Attitude, a handbook for emerging artists)

Title: Actitud, manual para artistas emergentes (Attitude, a manual for emerging artists).
Author: Martin Sastre.
Publisher: Metales pesados.
Year of publication: 2014.
Format: Paperback.
ISBN: 9789568415716.


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Availability: In stock

Handbook of 10 attitudes based on my personal experience and thought for those who start to move around in an unknown world: The Field of Art. A Handbook to understand their rules and rather than have them dominate youenable you to dominate them while having fun. Art can be a great adventure, and it all depends on how you take it. This Handbook will be your guide, when you feel things do not go as you wish, return to its pagesyou will always find your Attitude.

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