Rápido REM

Limited edition of 250 copies.
Leporello, 60 pages, 170 gr, 170 × 220 mm.

Edition, Photography and Texts: Miguel Leache
Translation: Makiko Sese (jp), Peter Grzywacz (en)
Design: Underbau
Prepress: Lucam
Printing and binding: Brizzolis
Publisher: Heads Take Away
ISBN: 978-84-09-39966-6

© Photographs and text Miguel Leache, 2022

ArtsLibris Award – Banc Sabadell 2022


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Availability: In stock

“When I discuss in dreams with someone who refutes and instructs me, it is I who instructs myself, that is to say, the one who reflects, and this reflection is seen in the form of a dialogue. And this reflection is seen in the form of a dialogue. Can we, then, wonder that the ancient peoples expressed what they thought in the presence of the serpent (like Eve) with the words “the serpent said to me”, “the Lord said to me”, “my spirit said to me”? Since we do not know exactly where we think, we can place the thought wherever we want. And just as we can speak believing that the words come from a third party, we can also think of something as if it had been said to us: Genius Socratis, the spirit of Socrates, and so on. How many amazing things could be discovered through dreams!”


G.C. Lichtenberg


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